What must it have been like, wandering around the private residence of Gabrielle Chanel, at 31, Rue Cambon on the second floor, all by yourself with a camera? Just that is what artist Sam Taylor-Johnson did in 2010. “Second Floor” is her way of seeing the private rooms of one of the most influential designers. This ...
How to be Parisian, Scene One
Here I am, sitting with a café au lait and a croissant On a sunny terrace What is it? I thought That I too want to look like a Parisian? On that idea Books can be the solution Effortless chic Parisian attitude, bravery and flair As always the answer lies in this new book Radiant and rebellious as Caroline de Maigret I adore Style with a ...
Summer Thoughts Of Happiness
Sometimes when I really need to crunch deadlines and be focused, it’s always nice to play a movie on repeat. What really works for me is, “500 Days of Summer” (2009) from the American film director Marc Webb, starring Zooey Dechanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The story line is touching and bittersweet. Boy who likes girl, to ...